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Old 3rd February 2017, 01:24 PM
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Originally Posted by Justin101 View Post
That's really helpful, thanks Hivemind.
No probs. You've got some great stories to find on DVD. Reminds me of when I first started watching Who stories waaaaay back in the mid-1980's when BBC Video started releasing them on either the rental market or the sell-thru market (retail). My first VHS watch was The Pyramids of Mars from my local VHS rental shop. Then the legendary Brain of Morbius. Those were the days....

Just as a side note. I can remember buying my first Dr Who video from WH. Smith's in Aldershot. I think it was about 1986. And it was The Pyramids of Mars. When the BBC started putting only a select few titles out, they retailed at crazy prices like 24.99. And HMV had the big box rentals of The Brain of Morbius and Revenge of the Cybermen at 45.00 pounds.
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