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Old 3rd February 2017, 10:57 PM
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J Harker J Harker is offline
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Originally Posted by Deadite View Post
Godzilla. No, not the shit Mathew Broderick one (although i admit it's a bit of a guilty pleasure of mine - not as much as Street Fighter mind. That's an A1 bone fide guilty pleasure that makes the 1998 Godzilla look like Citizen Kane), but the slightly less shit Gareth Edwards one. That's a bit unfair maybe, as it has some great shots in it and it's an otherwise decent movie, but it has problems, especially for a monster movie and super especially for a Godzilla movie. That stuff comes with expectations.

So, other than being a generally visually disarming movie with a decent amount of emotional heart-string tugging before we get to the action (did i mention you don't get to see Godzilla for nearly an hour? No, well that's problem number 1
Even after that hour hes barely in the film. It's like Godzilla had a cameo in his own movie. We see far more of the big moth things. Hell we see more of Bryan Cranston! Give me the Broderick film any day. And I don't even like Matthew Broderick.
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