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Old 4th February 2017, 03:26 PM
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Originally Posted by Demdike@Cult Labs View Post
I sort of agree, however the Cartmell script editor era was a **** up from day one. Yes season 26 was brilliant, but seasons 24 and 25 were, Remembrance of the Daleks aside, average to bleedin' awful.

I didn't like the way they were turning the Doctor into an all powerful being, destroyer of Skaro, the entire Cyber fleet, infinite rice pudding.

As for 21st century Doctor Who? Yes there have been some poor episodes - Fear Her, Nightmare in Silver, The Girl Who Died, The Woman Who Lived and Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS are all awful but in my opinion not as bad as Time and the Rani , Paradise Towers or The Underwater Menace The others you mention are merely average, no better or worse than Delta and the Bannermen or Meglos.
That's what I found very un-Doctor Who was the Tyler soap opera saga getting in the way of the stories. I often felt like I was watching Eastenders at times. And it did jar with the flow of the stories. Eric Saward hated Pip and Jane Baker's stories, and for good reason. I think a lot of the Doctor behaving like some sort of God was somewhat over the top, but that could of been addressed with the new season. Obviously we'll never know what the outcome would of been. You can add Boomtown, The Long Game, Rise of the Cybermen and Age of Steel. The alternative reality Cybermen stories wasn't really needed in my view. Rose was a good introduction story. The Unquiet Dead and Dalek were magic, and very Doctor Who. Didn't mind the finale, Bad Wolf and The Parting of the Ways.
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