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Old 4th February 2017, 08:52 PM
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Join Date: May 2015
Location: QLD, Australia

Never understood this whole fandom nonsense about the 7th Doctor being God. Er, where, exactly? There's a grand total of twice he has a grand plan before the story starts (Remembrance and Fenric) and in both instances it goes tits up (literally within 5 minutes in Remembrance when the wrong Daleks turn up). He clearly has no idea what's going on in Greatest Show (great story, by the way) up until part 3, even though he pretends to have known to Ace. Fandom makes up an awful lot of crap about this Doctor being somehow omnipotent, none of which is actually onscreen.
Season 25 is nearly as good as 26 IMO (Nemesis is a bit weak but still fun). And I'd still pick the much maligned 24 over anything from the last five years...
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