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Old 7th February 2017, 12:13 PM
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Originally Posted by Susan Foreman View Post
It's all supposition and guesswork - internal politics and personal feelings

I would imagine we will never know anything...other than the simple reason, he is leaving

Falling ratings, typecasting, BBC woes: why did Peter Capaldi quit Doctor Who?
I know it's stating the bleeding obvious, but the BBC has always had a very rocky relationship with Dr Who. It's pretty clear now that the BBC's trial balloon with Chibnall at the helm will be 100% make or break. As the article stated in the Telegraph, Chibnall is also known for creating complex and convoluted plots like Steven Moffat.

I suppose one of the questions will be, who will Chibnall ask to write the first series of this new re-boot series?. The thing I dread the most is a woman playing the part. I know others say on some forums "not a chance", but the BBC are desperate not to blow away millions pounds on a show that they obviously feel isn't performing right in the ratings. Maybe the BBC will let Chibnall select a female Doctor? Just to shock the hardcore fandom and bring a much needed, fresh publicity worldwide, even though Dr Who is still sailing strong on BBC America. Big selling point.

The BBC want the good old days back when dear Russ was show runner. Can the BBC and Chibnall replicate those days again. It seems a tall order to me, but we'll have to wait and see what happens once Capaldi regenerates.
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