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Old 7th February 2017, 03:58 PM
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SymbioticFunction SymbioticFunction is offline
Cultist on the Rampage
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Location: Chichester, UK.

Originally Posted by J Harker View Post
I can see why they'd release Bird and Opera but the original Phenomena blu already looks amazing.
I think that the original Arrow release of Phenomena has far too much noise reduction. Donald Pleasance looks like he has undergone an extremely successful facelift!

Originally Posted by Demdike@Cult Labs View Post
Nonsense. Giallo, The Card Player and Dracula.
I actually like The Card Player.

The exact wording of the beginning of James White's Facebook post was "Currently in Bologna working on a new restoration of a popular Dario Argento film, the title of which I can't yet divulge."

The key word is "popular" so we are safe. No 4K mastered Giallo or Dracula (don't worry, I know that you were joking).

I expect the three blu-rays to be 'classic' Argento. My money's on upgrades of Bird, Inferno & Phenomena. But I wouldn't mind Opera at all.
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