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Old 12th February 2017, 12:30 PM
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Originally Posted by Deadite View Post
I meant to watch and review Body Double last night, but instead got stuck into Pandorum on the horror channel. I must admit that i thought i'd seen it before and spent the first 20 minutes thinking 'i don't remember this bit'. It became obvious i hadn't seen it before. I was thinking of Event Horizon, which apparently was made by the same people. Well, their earlier effort is easily the better of the two films. There are way too many holes in the plot of this film for me to get too engaged in it. Sixty thousand passengers on a hundred year trip to an earth-like planet, some of them are awoken way too early and devolve into flesh-eating mutants (of course, that doesn't happen in that time frame, so gives a clue as to what the characters find out later - they've been asleep for a lot longer than they should have been). The logistics in the film just don't add up unless the evolved mutants shrink in size over the time-frame of the journey - there's just not enough food (other passengers) on board for them to remain human size.

Not great, but passed an hour or two. Certainly wouldn't watch again.
There's no other way to say this except, Pandorum is absolute garbage.

Quite possibly the worst sci-fi film i've ever seen and i include films from all decades and all countries in that.
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