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Old 12th February 2017, 07:57 PM
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Originally Posted by Demdike@Cult Labs View Post
No. I genuinely think it would be the bottom of the pile if i were to do a list of every sci-fi film i've seen. I've seen it twice and totally hated it both times.

It has no redeeming features whatsoever and zero entertainment value.

Name some of the worse films, Deadite, i'm intrigued to see what you come up with.
How about supernova or Robocop 3? Both those are far worse than Pandorum.
I thought it was okay-ish but like others here I've yet to feel the urge to watch it again.


Since the Vue started charging £4.99 admission I've been going to see a lot more films. It works out only a little dearer than some online rental I've seen and its literally £1.50 more than I used to pay back in the halcyon days of the local fleapit back in the 90's..
I have to say though even cheap this film is a f***** chore. It starts with a stupid plane crash scene that feels like some kind of jumbled mess before moving on to a professor buying a video recorder at a flea market. It seems in the decade or so since people began abandoning the format its already considered like some mysterious ancient technology (I feel old.)
It turns out that it has the samara tape on it and the curse begins again. We then move to some chick saying goodbye to her boyfriend who is off to college. Shes staying behind for reasons briefly explained and never referred to again. Something about a sick mother or something.... well it cant be that important/
Things are going swimmingly until some inexplicable drunken skype rant from a chick that miss whateverhername suspects her boyfriend is cheating with. Leaving in the middle of the night she heads to college and struggles to locate her BF. The college professor is a bit cagey so she follows him into a lift. Fortunately she nicked a key from her boy toys dorm because the film seems to have the logic of a point and click adventure game and it seem it gains access to the lift and the mysterious seventh floor. It seems prof has tenure or something as he's annexed an entire floor of the college and turned it into a hipster bar / lab to study the effect of the video. This idea is bonkers enough that it threatens to make the film interesting so its abandoned quickly. Instead she follows some chick to her house where shes killed by samara then runs into her BF who must have been wandering round campus and ignoring her calls for.... reasons. Then after actual evidence the story behind the tape is genuine the silly cow watches it. Fortunately shes not just thick but special and a new tape is discovered buried in the old one just for her. This allows her to retread the same plot devices as the previous films and learn more about samara. The whole special thing is contradicted directly in the film later on for no actual reason but the film gradually becomes more of a mess the further it goes on.
Rings is not scary. Anyone who thinks films like insidious are snooze fests will consider them to be classic horror after watching this turd. Seriously, a couple of cheap jump scares aside its just not scary at all or even remotely interesting. At one point it openly becomes a cheap rip off of don't breath. The plot is ludicrous and illogical and some of the acting is terrible. I would highly recommend missing this one TBH.
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