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Old 13th February 2017, 07:24 PM
Cultist on the Rampage
Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: York, North Yorkshire

I watched Amuck last night, it's one giallo I've read huge amounts about and always wanted to see. I understand the reputation its got for it's lesbien lurve scenes but they are pretty mild, for the early seventies probably rather racy but more explicit stuff came later.

One thing I forgot to mention when I orginally typed this is the eel death scene, the eel is stabbed and then filited alive. Strange how the BBFC don't have an issue with that but other creatures deaths in films are still cut.

The image is pretty solid, with good colours and no scanner noise to be seen Camera Obscura and 88 have done a top notch job with the transfer. The slipcase is like all others 88 have produced lovely and glossy. The interview features are a nice addition and it's good to hear the two leading ladies speak about the cult movies they've appeared. Barbara Bouchet is definetly a character!

I might get a chance to spin Mountain Top later after The Walking Dead...

Last edited by JAMIOUSE; 13th February 2017 at 08:36 PM. Reason: added text
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