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Old 19th February 2017, 09:17 PM
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J Harker J Harker is offline
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Location: Deepest Darkest South Wales

Right then let's try and do some of these review thingies.

First up.

Suicide Squad. David Ayer. 2016.

After the disappointment that was Batman vs Superman I can't say I had much faith in DC's next offering. How wrong I was, this film is great fun and while the plot is a right bloody mess and the film appears to have been edited by a pissed up Freddy Krueger it doesn't really matter. It's hardly challenging to work out what's going on and unlike BvsS the plot doesn't matter all that much. BvsS was dependant on character motivation for it to work. There wasn't much and therefore it didn't.
In Suicide Squad we have a bunch of DC villains released from their various maximum security super prisons and coerced into fighting an even bigger villain. How? Well stick a little bomb thingy in their neck and if they don't behave then head go boom. Fairly straightforward really.
What is interesting is how these characters relationships develop through the movie and how we get more depth to them than Jessie Eisenberg managed in the whole runtime of that 'other film'.
Fantastic cast too. Will Smith is excellent as Deadshot (no I'd never heard of him before either) the planets most wanted hitman whose superpower if you can call it that is absolutely perfect accuracy with any weapon. Jai Courtney was a revelation as Captain Boomerang. Not sure what the abilities of this Aussie armed robber are meant to be but given Courtney has been rubbish in absolutely everything I've seen him in til now, I was very impressed with his turn here. Even Joel Kinnamon who was terrible in the RoboCop rehash is good here as Colonel Flagg the army dude assigned to hold this ragtag bunch together and push the head popping button if needs be. The films actual villain is The Enchantress, an ancient sorceress who inhabits the body of Professor Moon, Flaggs girlfriend. Much as been made of both Jared Leto and Margot Robbie as The Joker and Harley Quinn the King and Queen of crime in Gotham. And rightly so as they both turn in for me the performances of the film. Leto makes for a very different Joker to anything seen before and for a change is truly scary. Margot Robbie plays Quinn as a truly damaged young woman and more than just the eye candy the role might first appear.
Hell even trying to review this film is tricky because it is admittedly a mess but for me it is a great glorious gorgeous mess that I thoroughly enjoyed and to be honest the chaotic nature of the film really does suit the source material. It's also the closest I've ever seen to an actual comic on the screen. Far better than the one watch wonder that was Deadpool and for me actually one of the best of the comic book flicks we've been bombarded with in the past few years.
All that said strutting round in that outfit Margot Robbie could sell sand to Arabs and both Warner Bros and David Ayer knew very well they could throw whatever else they liked at the screen and this film would make money.

Last edited by J Harker; 19th February 2017 at 10:18 PM.
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