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Old 24th February 2017, 10:37 AM
Calum Calum is offline
Cultist on the Rampage
Good Trader
Join Date: May 2009

Originally Posted by Rob4 View Post
you may be finished with the debate but your ill-informed comment cannot pass without reply. absolutely the debate is a 1st world problem not to be compared or confused with the real problems of the world. but to imply that because people entered into the debate they are too superficial to care about anything else is both arrogant and ignorant. you know nothing about the people on this board - the things they care about, the causes and movements they support and yet you feel the need to try and demonstrate your moral superiority.
No matter how you wish to frame this or how much vitriol you wish to send my way, let alone the desire to debate and discuss this until the cows come home, your moral outrage at not being allowed to see a big speared through the mid-section is not a live political issue and nor will it ever be. I live in the real world. Join me sometime. It's challenging out here.
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