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Old 24th March 2017, 06:41 PM
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Dave Boy Dave Boy is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2012
Location: U.K

SUPERGIRL S2 EP 15- 'Exodus'

CADMUS has a stolen list of aliens and abducts them with a plan to blast them off into space..

Good scenes here as Alex infiltrates the Cadmus base and Supergirl attempts to stop the ship blasting off into space. Great emotional music for this scene.

SUPERGIRL S2 EP 16 'Star-crossed'

When a Daxam ship arrives at the Moon, Kara discovers that Mon-El is actually a Prince and has been lying to her..

Huzzah! Kevin Sorbo stars as Mon-El's father. Good to see him back on the screen. The episode ends with the arrival of Music Meister who puts Kara in a dream state and leads into...

THE FLASH S3 EP17- 'Duet'

The Music Meister puts Barry in a dream state where he meets Kara singing on stage..

Great episode. Various cast members break into song in this real feel good episode with some good comedy moments. It gets emotional as recent threads from Supergirl and The Flash come together and ends on great note.
The best Flash episode for quite a while.
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