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Old 10th December 2009, 11:36 AM
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Originally Posted by vincenzo View Post
Out of curiosity what did you think of Mary Shelley's Frankenstein?
I thought it was decent enough, if nothing really outstanding. The only downside is that they play up the costume melodrama side of things a bit too much. That is to say, not quite enough horror. Then again, what did we expect from Branagh, he is a Shakespearean actor, after all.

Some nice set pieces though and the set design is terrific. Not sure about De Niro as the creature though, he never seemed very comfortable in the role. And even at the time, in interviews, De Niro didn't seem to quite grasp the concept of the story - it's a uniquely gothic/European story, and I think that was lost on him. Not that De Niro is stupid, but Americans have a totally different sensibility to Europeans and don't have a history and heritage like Europe does. Which does help in appreciating gothic horror IMO.
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