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Old 24th March 2017, 10:13 PM
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Originally Posted by Justin101 View Post
I agree, on the second listen it sounded like a different album to the one I listened to last week and I genuinely enjoyed it 100% more. Both Scum and Your Move standing out the most.

It might be quite telling but I didn't listen through the headphones the first time around but this evening I had it on really loud and it made a huge difference.

My only criticism now is that it would be better with a bit more Gore backing vocals.
Interesting how you've changed your opinion. Headphones can immerse you in that respect.

I can't listen to Depeche Mode unless i give it my full attention. I can understand why as the subtleties from song to song often get lost when you are doing other things as well. In that respect only their hits such as Barrel of a Gun, Personal Jesus etc stand out.
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