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Old 17th April 2017, 10:18 AM
Demoncrat Demoncrat is offline
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Originally Posted by Rik View Post
Zombie Flesh Eaters

Seen it tons of times before, first via the cut 1992/3 Vipco VHS, then via the slightly less cut Stonevision UK DVD in the early 2000's, finally uncut a couple of years later with the Italian Shock DVD (as Zombi 2), and again fully uncut with the Mediablasters R1 25th Anniversary DVD. A few years back Blue Underground released it on Blu Ray, so I saw in HD for the first time and finally Arrow released a great 2 disc set 5 years ago (I won't mention the missing 6 seconds, or the piss about I had getting my copy)

Despite seeing it many times in various versions on various platforms, last nights viewing of the Arrow BD was ruined slightly.
The reason for this is because back in October (and again a couple of weeks back) a certain moderator called Demdike reviewed the film and pointed out all the glaring mistakes, mistakes I'd known about and seen previously, but now I found myself watching out for them and realising just how much they stand out

It's certainly not Fulci's best film, but it is definitely my favourite of his and the one I tend to watch the most, so thanks Dem for ruining it for me every time I watch it, most appreciated

*It is a bit shit really, but I ****ing love it

Note to self, I must watch Casablanca and TRY find some mistakes to pay Demdike back

Attachment 189457

What? A B movie elevated to classic status by legions of adoring fans? That's certainly never happened before cough
ZFE is what it is. No film is perfect (opens floodgates.....). suspension of disbelief is part of the basic kit surely??

"... the days ahead will be filled with struggle ... and coated in marzipan ... "[/B]
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