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Old 20th April 2017, 06:47 PM
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Originally Posted by Nosferatu@Cult Labs View Post
I saw that a cinema and thought it was a fascinating story of the lengths some people will go for glory. It was a case of knowing Lance Armstrong was a cheater, but not exactly how the system or, to use the title, the program, worked.

I remember leaving feeling informed and, perhaps oddly, a little sorry for Armstrong. I'm not sure why, but he seemed to be a victim of his own hype and was caught in a mess of his own making with no way of escape.

This may be hyperbole, but there is something of the Shakespearean villain about him.
It's not a film I would normally have much interest in but my dad was a huge cycling enthusiast, in his younger years he was in cycling clubs and peddled thousands of miles fixed wheel around Europe. My dad wasn't much for heroes but Armstrong was one of the few he had. He'd be genuinely heartbroken if he was still here now.
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