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Old 13th December 2009, 10:20 AM
Splatterdragon73 Splatterdragon73 is offline
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Originally Posted by stevoj View Post
And that's the reason why we continue to shell out for Shameless titles.Going that extra bit further by getting suggestions by fans for titles we'd like to see and letting us get involved in the releases etc is what makes Shameless and Arrow just that little bit more special than other companies. I'm sure i'm not the only one that feels like that and as long as Shameless and Arrow video titles are out there,we'll contuinue to support and purchase
Well said and if only other independent labels had the same approach we'd all be a lot happier.

There's a fair few genre outings available here still owned by lazy labels and stuck with lousy DVD releases.
I reckon Shameless or Arrow could breath new life into these titles if the chance to snap up the rights ever arose.
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