Originally Posted by BAKA I had Perfume pre-ordered from Amazon for £8.99, but I couldn't resist that slip. £7 for a slip...  I want my head examined. Some of their slips are gorgeous though, Amuck in particular. The full artwork also hides the Italian Collection's horrid Arrow window box-like cover art, and the increasing amount of blue cases.  It tends to be just gialli I've bought slips for though, excluding the crowd-funded titles. I haven't picked up any slips for the Asian line, and I'm not sure I intend to bother with the Vault line at all. It's rare I pick something up from the slasher line any more, because I tend to already own a copy from another label. |
I understand and feel your anguish!
Like you i love a good slipcase and would buy a normal film at full price if there's one i like rather than being tight and waiting for it to reduce a bit. I especially love the 3d holographic ones some films have. Of course this can also bite you on the ass when you realize you spent a tenner on shite like
Gods of Egypt. (Does look lovely though)