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Old 1st May 2017, 11:07 AM
Nostalgic Nostalgic is offline
Cultist on the Rampage
Join Date: Jun 2012

Originally Posted by Justin101 View Post
I think most of these people are too young to remember going to film fairs and buying under the counter VHS tapes 'imported' from Holland etc. I only got there at the tail end of it all but I still appreciate that we're lucky to have some of these crappy films at all haha.
My brother and I used to do all the film fairs, London, Watford, Cambridge etc & never imagined it would be like this! Seriously I'm not going to prison for watching Texas Chainsaw or The Excorcist??? Amazing! The censorship laws have changed for the better & now cult film fans are in a great position to enjoy so many previously unavailable titles!
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