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Old 3rd May 2017, 07:24 PM
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Susan Foreman Susan Foreman is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Childhood home of Billy Idol - Orpington

Originally Posted by Justin101 View Post
I think most of these people are too young to remember going to film fairs and buying under the counter VHS tapes 'imported' from Holland etc. I only got there at the tail end of it all but I still appreciate that we're lucky to have some of these crappy films at all haha.
Originally Posted by Nostalgic View Post
My brother and I used to do all the film fairs, London, Watford, Cambridge etc & never imagined it would be like this! Seriously I'm not going to prison for watching Texas Chainsaw or The Excorcist??? Amazing! The censorship laws have changed for the better & now cult film fans are in a great position to enjoy so many previously unavailable titles!
Originally Posted by Rik View Post
Never went to any film fairs, but back in the early to mid 90's me and a mate used to go up and down the country to record fairs and there was always a couple of guys selling VHS's from under their main CD/vinyl stalls. Being a horror fan, I used to get them to show me the tapes they were selling, but being between 12-16, they never let me buy anything
I saw some belters too, pretty much all the DPP39 titles on both Beta and VHS, decent enough prices too-£20 each etc.
Film fairs were only good for destroying children's minds and for perverts to get depraved and sickening genuine snuff films

I know because 'The Independent' told me about them in 1993

'Snuff' video confiscated at children's comic fair: 'Murder and decapitation' shown on imported film | The Independent
People try to put us down
Just because we get around

Golly, Gee! it's wrong to be so guilty
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