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Old 6th May 2017, 12:00 PM
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hivemind hivemind is offline
Seasoned Cultist
Join Date: Jan 2013
Location: Cornwall. The land of Cornish pasties, pixes and Straw Dogs

Originally Posted by Demoncrat View Post
That's a lot now. Kudos!!

Cheers! I started collecting Warner's waaaay back in 1985. Often video rental shops would often sell off tapes after a year or so. You would either find the tapes were knackered or the sleeves were faded. Some were still fine tape wise, but it paid to go from video shop to video shop. I lived in Surrey back then, so their was plenty of video shops to explore. Just wished that I could ultimately travel back with a TARDIS to be honest. The stuff that I saw then, that's now worth a fortune. Currently I have about 420 Medusa titles, which are mixed pre and post-cert video's. Though I'm on the hunt for CIC video's from the post cert era, namely a few titles that were TV Movie's back in 1970's that Universal made. There's a cracking thriller called The Longest Night that would be a MUST buy. One was on ebay just recently, but it went for 25.00 pounds, and I missed the bid, bloody typical. There's still a buzz for collecting, but I try and stay focused on certain labels like I said.
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