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Old 7th May 2017, 07:19 PM
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Originally Posted by Inspector Abberline View Post
Started playing Prey, and while it is pretty good,I'm still not convinced it's as good as the reviews are making it out to be. It just feels like I have been here before a dozen times with other FPS set in space with an alien running around trying to nip at my ass.I can't put my finger on it but its just not getting my juices flowing, in fact, I'm getting a little bored if I'm honest.The graphics are as you would imagine pretty good, obviously, the gameplay it is the usual sneak around find key cards do the odd bit of puzzle solving.I'm not really keen on these aliens, they look like a cross between those critters from Pitch Black and that oil slick from Creepshow 2. The actual setting in the space station is nicely done and when you have to go out into space, the weightlessness is well done.Perhaps I'm getting a bit jaded by the endless stream of over hyped and over priced games, fans of BioShock and Deus ex will definitely enjoy this more than I am, I'm gonna spend the rest of my days counting down to November.But for me this another case of the emperor's new clothes.
yep think you are right, its not as good as reviews are making it out but still a good game just not the classic reviews are saying. bit dis pointed my progress didn't continue from demo, but have noticed a few difference between the main game and demo

to be honest having more fun with the new mass effect which got a bit of a savaging just got one of my main question answered why has there been no mention of Shepherd or the events of the other game.
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