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Old 22nd May 2017, 10:04 PM
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Originally Posted by Nordicdusk View Post
So last night i was watching some videos on Youtube when a suggestion of an interview with Dave and Krist from Nirvana was suggested which linked off to a cover of Heart Shaped Box by Lana Del Rey now up until this point i had heard two of her songs but only in passing but last night something stirred inside me when i heard this lady sing a Nirvana song live so i thought i must investigate some more of this ladies music. Now the reason i write this is that this is so far away from what i usually listen to as everyone here knows but holy shit this lady has haunted me since i listened to the following songs. A lot of comments say he is talentless and cannot sing live without auto tune but i disagree true she is flawed but it's those flaws that make her so unique and such a genuine performer a couple of songs i listened to were not for me but like i said these performances are both haunting and beautiful. This lady just seems so vulnerable and lost hiding a lot of deep insecurities and pain i just dont feel you can fake this sort of emotion and her sound come straight out of a David Lynch film.

In no way is this a post justifying why i'm posting these videos its sharing an experience that kept me awake half the night. Maybe i'm getting soft in my old age
I bought a Lana Del Rey album last year. Still not listened to it.
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