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Old 30th May 2017, 01:25 PM
LaughingWindows LaughingWindows is offline
Join Date: May 2017
Location: Toronto, Canada

Vanishing Act(1986 T.V. Movie) Newly wed(Mike Farrell) turns to a Lt.(Elliott Gould) about his missing wife that they had their first fight and she left disappeared, later receives a call from a father(Fred Gwynne) saying has info on her, and he should come right over. Upon getting there the father says his wife is here, she appears(Margot Kidder) seemingly her wits about her happy to see her husband only thing is hubby says thats NOT his're not my wife!! What the hell is going on here? well I won't say anything but its bloody brilliant and just a prime example with a small cast, smart excellent script, and direction you can come with this something truly great...even in a T.V. movie.

9/10. Great find on Youtube(sure the quality ain't perfect but you really won't care. Definitely worth a watch, even in the worst possible light a solid time killer.)
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