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Old 4th June 2017, 02:02 PM
LaughingWindows LaughingWindows is offline
Join Date: May 2017
Location: Toronto, Canada

The Hateful Eight ~ Bloody Brilliant all round. Amazing cast with some fine performances(although I am getting sick of seeing Michael Madsen onscreen though. Like him early on in his career but damn is presence is a nuisance to me in any movie.)Although all about everything has been done with the western I found this to a refreshing original story and film. Aptly directed by Tarantino(even though I only enjoyed Jackie Brown and Django Unchained from his body of work) As for an overall rating..damn over 3 hrs I wonder if it could have been trimmed 20-30 minutes and still been just as effective. I would go with a 8/10 right now...maybe 9 if I give another go of it again soon.
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