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Old 6th June 2017, 12:37 PM
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Originally Posted by Justin101 View Post
Yeah, Julius Ceaser is pop, in the sense of what Ulver making pop music would sound like, you can hear influences from Depeche Mode obviously, but also a lot of Krautrock as well. The album they brought out previosuly is largely instrumental and is called ATGCLVLSSCAP which I had just about given up trying to pronounce but it turns out to be an acronym of all the star signs beginning with Aquarius!
If you can get hold of it, there is a bluray of a concert they performed at the Norwegian Opera House and covers quite a wide selection of material.
My personal favourite is Blood Inside but my other half's favourite is the follow-up Shadows of the Sun. Another good one to check out is the collaboration they did with Sunn o))) called Terrestrials.
Well you sold me on Julius Caeser! Will have to check out the other two though. They're playing in Australia next month I think, but only down in Tasmania and sadly that's a plane ticket too far away for me.
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