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Old 9th June 2017, 10:23 PM
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Originally Posted by J Harker View Post
Zardoz. 1974. John Mustuvbinpistt Boorman.

What the bloody hell was this? Sean Connery and Ron Jeremy's moustache co-star in this surreal sci-fi set in the distant future. Society has as far as i could tell been divided into two, maybe three classes, the brutals and the eternals and possibly someone else, I'm really not sure. Connery plays Zed, one of a group of exterminators, he wears a pair of red pants and looks a twat. The world appears to be ruled over by giant floating stone heads. Frankly I'm not sure what the hell was going on. Two things i did pick up on, firstly that the eternals are immortal and even if they find some way to die they are simply re-born and grow into the same body in some sort of weird genetic artificial birthing 'thing'. They are essentially tired and fed up, given that immortality seems to have robbed them of all purpose. Secondly Charlotte Rampling used to be a hotty. The blu from Arrow looks pretty decent and to be fair despite looking a right prick somehow Sean Jeremy manages to maintain his dignity. Worth a watch if you have the Arrow disc is the interview with Ben Wheatley. He is a fan and actually does a decent job of putting this film in context and making some vague sort of sense of it all. I have to confess for all its surreal weirdness i cant say i didn't enjoy Zardoz and will happily revisit it at some point.
Possibly the funniest review I have ever read.

Bravo, sir.
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