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Old 12th June 2017, 06:55 AM
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keirarts keirarts is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Barrow-in-furness
Blog Entries: 14

The mummy (2017)

There's a good film somewhere in the mummy, or maybe just an acceptable one. Sadly layers of 'universe building' and Tom Cruise in a role clearly not written for Tom Cruise means the end result is a bizarre mess that probably torpedo's Universals stupidly titled Dark universe. Lets be fair here, they had the monsters cross over back in the original monster cycle, however at this point the studio had run out of things to do with the characters and they would be soon giving Abbot and costello some of their best films.
The mummy has some grim appeal to it. I found myself unintentionally chuckling and in fairness they don't drag the thing out for two and a half hours like Batman v Superman, so while it has some similarities to BVS given the choice I'd probably watch the mummy. All it really leaves is the question, how the hell did they get Tom Cruise in this $120 million B-movie car crash? My theory, secret gay videos.
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