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Old 15th June 2017, 09:04 AM
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keirarts keirarts is offline
Cult Addict
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Barrow-in-furness
Blog Entries: 14

The Belko Experiment

American contractors working in south America discover themselves shut in their office by unknow agencies and asked to participate in a game of death. Its pretty much kill or be killed as every staff member has an explosive in their head and is under constant surveilance.
Belko experiment is somewhat unoriginal, it contains plot elements from numerous other films and doesn't really add anything new to the mix. So its a social experiment, to determine what? As one would expect some employees rebel and either refuse to participate or seek a way out. Others turn into bloodthirty psychopaths pretty quickly.
While it can be argued that its fairly generic stuff, its not necessarily enough to call it a bad film. Its got some great actors in it including Michael rooker and john C mcginley. Its well paced and shot and looks great and the violence is spectacularly brutal. In terms of entertainment then its one thats probably worth checking out.

Officer Downe

In some kind of near future dystopian L.A, where super freaks and the occult seem to be a regular part of street crime, the Citys only line of defence is officer downe, a seemingly immortal cop with a Judge Dredd approach to tackling crime.
The film is unfortunately a little too flawed to be considered a classic. The pacing is a little off, it feels a little flat and relies a little too much on choppy editing rather than actual direction and the humour is very hit & miss. I'm also beginning to find the grindhouse schtick wearing a little thin. Its not entirely without merit. Its got some nice gore FX in places, a badly dubbed kung-fu villain and it works in places. Going in with lowered expectations may be wise however.
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