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Old 19th June 2017, 11:07 AM
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keirarts keirarts is offline
Cult Addict
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Barrow-in-furness
Blog Entries: 14

Cat Girl

Not bad for 99p. The film owes a debt to the classic Val Lewton with Barbara Shelly playing the troubled Leonora who discovers she has inherited the family curse that means she will turn into a big cat and kill folk. Pretty soon her no-good cheating husband is dispatched by said large moggy leading Leonora to believe the cursr is real. Her Ex decides something more psychological behind things and has her sanctioned. Gradually he begins to pusuade her that its all in her head until there is a twist in the tale.
While not a patch on cat people, Cat Girl isa well worth seeking out if your a fan of British horror. It's competently shot, especially the moody opening. It has a lot of raw sexuality at play for a British film of the 60's including Shelly trying to tear off her clothes while in the nut-house. If it suffers from anything its main problem is some of the stiff performances in the film. Shelly herself is excellent and Ernest milton as her husband is suitably slimy however Robert Ayers exudes the charm and charisma of a plank.

Shopping tour

A russian found footage film where a mother and son go on a coach trip to finland for some duty free bargains. The trip is diverted to a newly opened hypemarket where the guests are treated to some out of hours shopping. Pretty soon they are locked in and the employees begin killing and eating the customers. The mother and son manage to escape but find their nightmare is only just beginning as it turns out the Finns have an annual tradition of eating foreigners and they picked the wrong day for a holiday.
If it hadn't been made as a found footage film this one could have been much better. The central concept for the film is great and it has some nice moments. Unfortunately here the found footage concept feels lazy and uneeded.

Blood tracks

A group of hair metal rockers head into the hills to shoot a muisic video. Trapped by an avalanche they discover a family of mutated killers living in the hills who promptly begin killing people one by one.
Blood tracks is an odd little film. Mid eighties horror made in sweden but made to look like an American horror movie. The band are played by a real band called easy action who aparrently needed copius amounts of booze in order to act. The film itslef in all other regards is fairly by the numbers but the unsual production makes things feel a little more unique. Theres plenty of nudity and some nasty kills in place.


A young crook is haunted by his past when dead bodies turned to stone begin popping up around greece.
Its difficult to go too much into medusa as its not really a film where straight up logic is necessary. Inspired by Dario Argento flicks, its a moody, dream-like and surrealistic picture. Greek horror movies are not ten-a-penny which is a shame as this is a ecent little fright flick.
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