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Old 21st June 2017, 02:21 PM
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Originally Posted by Crimson Blade View Post
But the film is still cut. And as a collector, i'll always buy the most complete version of a film that's available.
And there's also a good chance that the BBFC will make cuts apart from those of animal cruelty. If you're familiar with the Blue Underground dvd, you'll know what i mean.

If people want to buy the cut UK version, that's up to them.
I understand it is still cut, but to call it pointless when there would be a large market of people who aren't fussed or can only access this release is unfair. As an Australian, we got shafted with horror blu rays for years, and since Umbrella and Cinema Cult have picked up the slack, there's been a massive resurgence in older horror interest, and also new releases, leading to things like Umbrella putting out NOTLD 90 with correct colour timing, and commissioning new releases not available elsewhere. Before that though, I definitely knew people whose attitude to the first few ports of foreign titles was "there's no need for this release when I can import it".

As for other cuts, I can't remember the last time an older film didn't get all it's non Animal Cruelty cuts waived. The BBFC seems to be a lot more lenient now about things like that, especially with all the former video nasties and banned titles that have come out in recent years going through unscathed bar animal cruelty
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