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Old 25th June 2017, 03:10 PM
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monkeypedro monkeypedro is offline
Cultist on the Rampage
Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: Oxford

Yesterday i went to London to attend the Arrow Video all night Slash-a-thon at the Prince Charles Cinema. It was Arrows first marathon screening hosted by them and proved to be quite popular as originally it was due to be shown in the smaller upstairs screen but due to higher ticket sales than the Michael Mann-athon it was now shown in the larger downstairs screen with its nice new seats.

Arrow had lined up to screen four slashers movies from their Arrow Video range plus one mystery movie.
The movies in order of play were The Burning, Madman, The Mutilator and Blood Rage which went down very well with the audience with laughing, cheering and heckling throughout and certainly helped enjoy them more.

The mystery movie was no surprise as it was the The Slayer which i must say looked the best i have seen it especially compared to the Vipco releases. Many people seemed to not like The Slayer that much (Including me) and was certainly the least fun movie of the night but it may not have helped with a little technical issue of the film freezing near the finale or that people were half asleep as it was the last movie of the night and played about 5.30am. For me it is one i will pick up in the future and give it another chance but not until it is cheap in the sales.

In between screenings Arrow hosted games and quizzes where audience members could win movies and posters as prizes and also before each screening they played a collection Slasher trailers which for me was a highlight as i am a sucker for trailer compilations.

In all it was a well organised event and hopefully they will hold more all night screenings it the future.
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