Originally Posted by Rik A few people on FB were saying the UK BD of The Thing looks shite and welcome Arrow's edition, can't see owt wrong with it myself, anyone else have a problem with it? |
no problem its fine, these will be the usual arrow fan boys, sad thing is i bet their are a few of them are the ones that got their panties in a twist over the whole boat fiasco with ZFE, always seems the way with people like that, one minute kissing there ass and the next threatening to kill people because they don't have 10 seconds of a boat to wank over!
but i welcome a 4K version of The Thing if they do it justice and give it the treatment it deserves, great new extras and no god awful packing.,
Mancini did Life force so could arrow be releasing this again, not the first time they have re-releashed something Vamp springs to mind
these also have a soundtrack by him
Nightwing (1979)
wait until dark (1967)
Fear (1990)
Night Comers (1971) but thats already got a BLu release here.