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Old 14th July 2017, 03:58 PM
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Mojo Mojo is offline
Cult Acolyte
Join Date: Apr 2008


Right at the tail end of Lucio Fulci's classic period, this bizarre mix of THE EXORCIST, ROSEMARY'S BABY ( amongst others ) is a confusing collection of elements from Lucio's previous movies - ranging from the music from THE BEYOND, the annoying brat from HOUSE BY THE CEMETERY and more -all interspersed with blasts of typical Fulci gore.

Needless to say, it becomes increasingly confusing as it goes on, but it does have that Fulci 'vibe' to it and, although it's not up there with his all time classics, I really like it. I always had a feeling this one would benefit from the HD treatment and I wasn't wrong, as this blu ray from Blue Underground looks fantastic.

There are some great extras here too, the best of which is a career spanning interview with composer extraordinaire Fabio Frizzi, a man whose soundtracks are a vital ingredient in making Fulci's horror movies look and sound so unique. There are even clips of him performing live, including a clip of him performing my favourite piece of music from CITY OF THE LIVING DEAD. Even if this isn't Fulci's best movie, this 3 disc release is an essential purchase.
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