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Old 17th July 2017, 03:54 PM
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Originally Posted by Justin101 View Post
I went to see War for the Planet of the Apes yesterday. Has anyone else been to see it yet? I'm surprised that no-one has mentioned it yet.

It's an interesting film, for the majority of it there is no spoken dialogue, out of the apes only Caesar can speak like humans, the rest communicate only with sign language. I think this posed a problem for a lot of the audience, quite a lot of children looked bored, it's not a movie geared towards a family outing. Instead, it's a serious film for adults. A revenge story, a story of morals and a story of insanity.

We've come a long way in motion capture and CGI. At points you forget that the apes aren't real but just pixels from a computer. The actors help this though, their expressions are recorded and used in the animation giving the characters life. Andy Serkis and Steve Zahn being standouts as Caesar and Bad Ape respectively. Although Woody Harrelson excels playing an actual real life human, The Colonel.

Worth seeing if you're a fan of series, this being the last of the prequel trilogy ends where the original 60s film begins. I really enjoyed it and would recommend it to fans of ...the Apes and jungle war films!
Yes saw it Friday, the best of the bunch for me . Harrelson was excellent as a unlikable and flawed human being but you felt some sympathy towards him. But the stand out was the amazing motion capture performances , Sarkis was absolutely amazing and deserves the praise he getting for the role, don't expect him to get an Oscar for it but he should get some sort of recognition for it. For me i rank it up there with the original 9/10
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