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Old 19th July 2017, 11:32 PM
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The TENANT The TENANT is offline
Cult Rookie
Join Date: Jul 2017

A good horror film, for me, is not one that entertains but one that truly frightens me and gives me that ever so rare feeling that you don't want to turn the light out before bedtime.

As a horror aficionado these films are few and far between.

On the point about big names in horror, I think that the most effective films are those with no names in there; and by dint of that fact the film is naturally more believable as you can imagine that the characters and, consequently, the story are real.

TCM is a classic example of this point. If there were any names or recognisable faces in it, it would not have been anywhere near as effective. You'd instantly have sat there and said, "Oh, it's him again - wasn't he in such-and-such kitchen sink drama? Isn't he doing well for himself now...this is a completely different role. I wonder if he's a method actor...." and hence the whole premise of the horror film i.e. to scare the viewer has gone out of the window.
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