Originally Posted by Make Them Die Slowly Operation Werewolf: The Complete Transmissions by Paul Waggener
Operation Werewolf is a loose collection of individuals who have formed a tribe to fight against the modern world. It is a mixture of Germanic mysticism, body building for strength not look, animal blood sacrifices in the woods and martial arts, all dressed up in biker gang looks.
This book is a series of essays that come on like a rabid self help manual for badasses. Going completely against modern thought, it emphasises the group over the individual and has a view that could be classed as fascist within and of itself.
There is no denying the sincerity of the project and it's members to their beliefs that look crazy from an outside point of view but from a magickial poetic view these views are rather sound and oddly heroic.
The Way of Men by Jack Donovan
Donovan is my new favourite writer, a gay man who does not believe in gayness, a believer in tribalism, Norse Gods, violence and what it is to be a man. This book is like a blue print for old school masculinity completely rejecting modernism and presents ideas of a malecentric gang mentality as it discusses how to be good at being a man and a good man.
As with Operation Werewolf there is a romantic vision underlying the work and like OW, Donovan has moved out into the woods to make his vision a reality away from the world.
Both writers fall under the Alt Right end of the political spectrum but there is something more going on here than the usual right wing end of heathenism that is nothing more than the Klan dressed as Vikings. There are no politics in these books but the will to power on display in such a primal form will cast the writers as eternal outsiders in the occult world that has become rather soft if late.
Right I am off now to strip naked, smear myself with blood and dirt and howl at the moon. |