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Old 26th July 2017, 12:03 AM
Demoncrat Demoncrat is offline
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Originally Posted by MrBarlow View Post
The Island of Dr. Moreau 1996

Edward Douglas (David Thewlis) sole survivor if a plane crash is rescued by Montgomery (Valley Kilmer). Arrive at a Island run by Dr. Moreau (Marlon Brando). Who is conducting experiments on animals that turnstiles into humans.

Based on the H.G.WELLS novel and remake of the 1977 movie, from day one this film was plagued by problems. Richard Stanley worked on making this movie for four years and was fired four days into shooting the movie. John Frankenheimer was hired and clashed repeatedly with Van Kilmer who at the time was having personnel problems. Fairuza Balk alleged to have walked off set and was forced to return.

This is not the best remake and not very much close to the novel but was enjoyable, the effects are amazingly created by Stan Winston with the Manimals. 6 out of 10
Cocaine. Kilmer. Cough.

Just watched that Landmine Goes Click on THC. Nasty wee treat. Shitey ending imho.

"... the days ahead will be filled with struggle ... and coated in marzipan ... "[/B]
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