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Old 26th July 2017, 04:45 PM
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Inspector Abberline Inspector Abberline is offline
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While most of us are counting down the days until CAll of Dury WW11 is released I thought I would give Call Of Duty: Infinite Warfare ago as it has dropped in price in both standard editions and as the double bill with Modern Warfare.Now im not a great a fan of the later COD's ALthough I have owned and played all the recent incarnations, Infinite Warfare is nowhere near as bad as i had been lead to believe.It does have all the makings of a bad Halo rip off but the actual campaign game is a full on sci fi action game, and at times is a work of art to behold. My criticism is a fairly lame and well story and the dialogue in most of the cut scenes the obligatory gung ho war mongering tosh you would expect from any bad war movie.But the graphics are excellent and there's plenty of cool battles to be had.Not the hardest game ever but it will do until COD WW11 arrives.Not had the chance to download Modern Warfare yet, but i am looking forward to seeing this game in HD as it was my fav on the ps3. The multiplayer has bots, which is a great plus point if you want to practice your gaming before going online or the server is down.zombies in Spaceland is another great extra and if nothing else will keep you blasting for hours.

Always forgive your enemies, nothing annoys them so much..

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