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Old 3rd August 2017, 12:42 AM
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J Harker J Harker is offline
Cult Addict
Join Date: Feb 2012
Location: Deepest Darkest South Wales

My top ten medical films

The Body Snatcher. Robert Wise. 1945
Karloff, Lugosi, Lewton. Sublime.
Donovans Brain. Felix E.Feist. 1953
Dr.Michael Hfuhruhurrs favourite movie,
I really need to pick up a copy of this, I'm sure there's a dvd available now.
Les Yeux Sans Visage. Georges Franju. 1960.
Mash. Robert Altman. 1970
One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest. Milos Foreman. 1975. I agree with something Dem said about asylum movies potentially being there own topic, but Milos Foremans classic isn't any old hammy horror flick.
Re-Animator. Stuart Gordon. 1985
Medicine Man. John McTiernan. 1992
Mary Shelleys Frankenstein. Kenneth Brannagh. 1994
Ok, so not as good as James Whales masterpiece but it is to my mind an adaptation that emphasises Victors medical schooling. He may have been a mad scientist but he was also a doctor.
Outbreak. Wolfgang Peterson. 1995
Extreme Measures. Michael Apted. 1996

Last edited by J Harker; 3rd August 2017 at 11:06 AM.
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