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Old 24th December 2009, 01:27 AM
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pedromonkey pedromonkey is offline
Cult Acolyte
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Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: The Capital Of Wales...
Blog Entries: 12

just watched THE FINAL DESTINATION, while not being the longest film ever made (78 mins i think) and not the most original of film, this one had some serious badass kills, really f'ed up ones. If there's nowt else on tv and you have 78 minutes to spare, i recommend checking it out.

On another note, i watched 1990: THE BRONX WARRIORS this morning, and i really enjoyed it, id never seen it before. The only problem i had with it was Mark Gregory possibly Cinema's least threatening Biker.When he walked he minced. Fred'the Hammer'Williamson was pretty badass though. Ive read that it's a cross between Mad Max and the Warriors, but i would say it was more Esacpe from New york and the warriors, very entertaining indeed. in my opinion Castelleri is possibly the most Competant and talented of the Italian directors from that era, although i love Fulci, Margeretti and Argento, i just like how he films his movies...
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