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Old 16th August 2017, 08:18 AM
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keirarts keirarts is offline
Cult Addict
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Barrow-in-furness
Blog Entries: 14


For what threatens to be another 'cockney geezer' exploitation movie designed to haunt supermarket shelves, Vendetta is actually not that bad.
It's a Death Wish style vigilante film where Dyer comes home to find his parents viciously murdered by a 'yoof' gang. Being special forces trained he's not taking it lying down and starts killing the gang off one by one. There's some genuine nastiness on screen here with some fairly horrific torture scenes. Its stymied a little by the habit of the production company of sticking 'faces' in the film. The sort of people who you might know if you actually lived in London but for a northern monkey like me they just seemed like bad actors. The other problem is the poor script. Its not dreadful as such, it just over complicates things that don't need over-complicating. My main complaint is the police, who are portrayed as dangerously complacent over crime. There's a whole exposition scene that tries to explain it away but it just makes you realise how efficient Death Wish was at this side of things. Given the times we live in, how hard would it be just to have the police simply be underfunded? Seriously, the film could have trimmed a fair bit away by having the police simply be overwhelmed due to under-funding.
Considering it should be no trouble getting this one piss cheap its worth a look though.
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