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Old 6th September 2017, 08:13 AM
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iank iank is offline
Cult Acolyte
Join Date: May 2015
Location: QLD, Australia

The Mummy. The 2017 version, where Tom Cruise battles an undead woman with nasty powers who wants to... I don't know, cause general chaos. Or something. Really, who the hell cares? This got massively panned and while I kind of wanted to like it as I don't mind Cruise and I sometimes have a tendency to wildly disagree with some whiny critics on some films (T5 and the recent The Circle being prime examples), I thought this deserved a drubbing and then some. Lifeless, lazy runaround CGI boreathon. In the immortal words of Monty Python, it's a piece of s***, when you look at it.
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