Originally Posted by Demoncrat The Sluts by Dennis Cooper.
A series of exchanges about a famous 'chicken' on a specialist website gets ... out of hand somewhat.
Transgressive, confrontational blah blah ... Cooper's work is about as blankas you can get without not actually putting ink on paper at all 
Reportage style writing about something you do not want to find yourself doing. So is it vicarious then? Probably. I just don't like reading stuff from the middle ground. His stuff is hit or miss tbh ... some may find this one dull even. But then they would be a sociopath  |
I read loads of Cooper back to back a few years ago. I would recommend this approach to people new to him, it adds to the disconnected drifting of his chatacters. He is a great writer and for those who like to challenge themselves artistically and morally, he is a must.