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Old 17th September 2017, 06:46 PM
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keirarts keirarts is offline
Cult Addict
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Barrow-in-furness
Blog Entries: 14

American assasin#.jpg

Ok, rather than type the films title I've opted for a poster. Why? Well do you see the eiffel tower in the poster? I do. It's not in the bloody film. A large portion of the film is set in Rome. Some in Turkey. I don't recall Paris at all.
Why is this a problem? you might ask.
Well it's emblematic of the numerous problems with this film. Primarily its bland as hell. I honestly think Paris might have been in the film and it's just floated out my memory. Its like a fusion of every 90's spy film you've seen mixed with Tom Clancy by way of people who probably think Tom Clancy is too deep and needs toning down for its audience. In many ways this is worse than an actual bad movie. I can have real fun with a bad movie. I can laugh my ass off. Make fun of it and generally rip the s*** out of it. Such is the pleasure of bad movies. Michael Keaton gets it. We get one torture scene where he goes full 'bug eye' Keaton and the film threatens to become fun. Then it gives up. If its on TV and your drinking or getting high it might be worth a punt, simply by virtue of the fact that if you black out you wont miss anything important.
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