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Old 30th December 2009, 12:55 AM
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Daemonia Daemonia is offline
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As an addendum, here's some info regarding the cuts to True Romance here in the UK.

True Romance (1993)


Rating: 18
The UK theatrical and video prints were the same as the R rated US version, with its three missing minutes. However, the initial video releases were advertised with a label proclaiming it to be the uncut version - and in a sense it was. It was the uncut theatrical version, but not Scott's original uncut 122 minute cut. The footage known to be missing from the UK version is as follows:

The violent climax to the drug deal in the hotel room has been curtailed, missing a few particularly brutal bullet hits. It also reduces Samuel Jackson's already meagre cameo to a blink-and-you'll-miss-him experience.

Much of Jackson's ripe dialogue ("I eat the pussy, I eat the butt, I eat every mother****ing thing") is ommitted.

The confrontation between Drexl and Clarence has been cut, including a shot of one of Clarence's bullets hitting Drexl in the groin.

The most significant cuts have been inflicted upon the scene in which Virgil beats up Alabama. Around 47 seconds have been removed, including Virgil punching Alabama in the stomach, of Alabama lying on the floor looking at her battered body in a mirror and of her being thrown through a glass door. Alabama's revenge is also much more dramatic in the uncut version, with her shooting Virgil five times as opposed to the once seen in the UK versions.

Also heavily trimmed is the shootout at the Beverly Ambassador. Donowitz's remarks to Elliot when he realises that he has been sold out ("Take your ****ing SA card and burn it, you little cocksucker!") is missing along with a number of John Woo style multiple bullet hits. Strangely, the follow up to Clarence's insistence that he and Alabama take a gun with them to the meeting is also missing - it isn't Clarence that gets to use it, but Alabama who shoots Dimes three times. It has been suggested that the MPAA couldn't stomach the idea of a woman killing a cop and getting away with it and insisted that the scene be removed.

Adding considerably to this confusion is the fact that the UK trailer not only shows a brief glimpse of one of the cut scenes (Alabama and Virgil in shadow during their fight) but also a number of scenes (Clarence and Alabama in the bath, a close up of Val Kilmer's face whereas in the film he was only ever seen in shadow, Coccotti discussing Virgil's disappearance et al) that never made it even to the uncut version.

All of this was made irrelevant when the missing footage was restored in the Director's Cut DVD.

I actually think I may be confusing the MPAA's problems with the BBFC. Seems it was the MPAA who found the film problematic - the troubling material was removed before ever reaching the BBFC. Sorry for the confusion. I'm getting old now see, my memory ain't what it used to be!
Sent from my Hoover using the power of Uri Gellar

Last edited by Daemonia; 30th December 2009 at 01:16 AM.
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