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Old 10th October 2017, 08:27 AM
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Nosferatu@Cult Labs Nosferatu@Cult Labs is offline
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I hope you've been enjoying revisiting the classic 'monsters' of horror film, with vampires, zombies, werewolves and Dr Frankenstein and his creation. That leaves two: Invisible Man and the Mummy.

As there are only 10 films adapted from H.G. Wells' novel, Invisible Man would make for a pretty boring selection of lists, so it makes much more sense to do films featuring, in the lead or prominent role, a Mummy. For the purposes of definition, that would be a human preserved in a ritual by chemicals, normally (though not exclusively) by Egyptians.

As such, this week's topic is:

Mummy Films

NB if you so wish, you could make a compilation list of Invisible Man and Mummy films, or do one of each.

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