Thread: Halloween Films
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Old 11th October 2017, 02:08 PM
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A very good and fair assessment of the film Demdike, and I agree with all your points. I saw the film when it first emerged on DVD and perhaps with my expectations in check, I was quite surprised how much I enjoyed it. I thought the grungy, edgy visual sensibility of the film - all rough hand-held shots and ragged framing was a nice contrast to the prowling Steadicam sweep of the original, but perhaps more importantly, I felt like the film was made with good intentions - it's certainly feels like a more genuine Horror film than the likes of the instantly forgettable, antiseptic remake of The Fog, or the boneheaded Friday the 13th atrocity.

We're a long way from 2007 and the shock of such a sacred text being subjected to an intrusive procedure like a remake, but I'd like to think the film's reputation is turning for the better. If you haven't seen the film in years, don't close the door on it, give it another shot.
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