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Old 13th October 2017, 07:14 PM
BAKA BAKA is offline
Cultist on the Rampage
Join Date: May 2010

Originally Posted by Susan Foreman View Post
Today only

"Seeing as there are a few hours of Friday 13th left, we thought we'd hit you with a flash discount.

For free postage on all orders (worldwide) until midnight tonight, UK time, simply use the discount code: FRIDAY13"
Thank you! Ordered Watch Me When I Kill. After they stopped free shipping for new releases I stopped bothering, as nice as the slipcases are, I'm not paying almost £18. But I'll happily pay £15, especially as these titles don't seem to release at £8.99 any more, and I'm typically paying £12.50 each anyway.

I don't typically have access to a FOPP, and HMV can be inconsistent in what it adds to their promotion. I will be going to London later in the month though, so I'm hoping the promotion will still be on.
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