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Old 27th October 2017, 01:30 PM
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Rob4 Rob4 is online now
Cult Acolyte
Join Date: Mar 2016

an announcement on the VS FB page that i missed:

We are incredibly excited to announce that we’ve acquired the rights to Slava Tsukerman’s new wave, sci-fi masterpiece, LIQUID SKY, and it will be making its worldwide Blu-ray debut during our Black Friday sale (November 24th), EXCLUSIVELY on in a special limited edition package!
The release will feature an all new, director and cinematographer approved, 4k restoration from the original camera negative, along side loads of extra features, among them interviews with director Tsukerman, star Anne Carlisle, cinematographer Yuri Neyman, production designer Marina Levikova, among others. Plus never before seen outtakes and production stills, and more!
Although the limited edition will formally go on sale during our annual Black Friday weekend mega-sale, and as such won’t have a normal pre-order period, we will be offering a ‘flash pre-order’ during one 24-hour period in September (exact date TBD), during which you’ll be able to not only to order LIQUID SKY, but also reserve copies of our other two surprise Black Friday releases and, while we’re not gonna divulge the titles, we can say that they’re both uniquely perverse horror gems that have been requested from us many-many times. For this special ‘flash pre-order,’ we will require payment upfront due to the limited nature of the releases.
More info on LIQUID SKY and the flash pre-order will follow in the next week or so.
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